How to Travel Hack and Solo Trip through Thailand – Part 2

Now, we learned from Part 1 that you can use several travel hacks to travel cheaply. But what if you have no friends or they are all homebodies?  The solution is to make new travel friends through social media. The very thing that some critics say is diminishing our relationships is the very thing that can start an awesome new friendship for you.  There are hundreds of travel groups on Facebook and that you can join. You can participate in an already planned group trip or find a friend through the group  and explore the world.

I have tons of close friends who love to travel but sometimes we are not interested in the same destinations or activities. So, I am now a member of several travel groups that cater to African Americans, women, single women, daredevils, and budget travelers.  Whatever you are interested in, there is a group for it.  There are groups for foodies, dancers, budget travelers or lovers of luxury.  Here is a list of just a few of the groups that I have joined in which I have made some amazing life long friends:

Nomadness Travel Tribe


Up in the Air Life

Sisters Traveling Solo

Bucket List Beasts

In addition, there are trips planned every year by organizations you already belong to like your church or yoga studio.

I will not go into too much detail on art of making a travel friend but just ensure that you ask a lot of questions and see if you have things in common. Are you both early risers that love to sight-see or maybe you both are beach bums? State upfront how much money you plan to spend and if you will be staying at the bed and breakfast or the St. Regis Hotel.  You can set up whatever arrangement you need.  You may decide to stay in separate rooms or separate hotels and meet up for activities. Or, you could share hotel expenses and have separate itineraries. There no rules besides the ones you make.

Now, have I ever been harmed or robbed by travelling with groups of people I haven’t know for years? Nope.  Many of these groups have happy hours and other events where you can mingle with people and do a little due diligence before leaving the city or the country.  Now Part 3  of  this series gives you the final tip on having more fun and freedom while travel hacking and solo tripping.

For us, by us: 5 black-owned travel groups you should know about | Travelling While Black






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